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Mugwort Tincture

Price: 25€


Artemisia Vulgaris Correspondence: Moon, Venus, Earth Irish: Mongach Meisce, Liathlus, Mugard. Mugwort is a herb of the Goddess as Crone/Cailleach,// In modern esoteric healing Mugwort is used primarily as a visionary herb. Mugwort encourages wisdom and observation. Mugwort amplifies psychic vision and may induce prophetic dreams. // Mugwort contains the chemical thujone, which is a mild intoxicant. Mugwort is not really a hallucinogen, but a way to stimulate lucid dreaming, astral travel, enhance journey work and visualization. The effects of Mugwort are more pronounced during sleep or trance states, Different people report vastly different experiences with using Mugwort. Mugwort appears in recipes for flying ointments, psychic teas, and divinatory incenses. Mugwort works on opening the Third Eye Chakra.


//3-4 drops under the tongue before sleep or journey work to enhance visions and lucid dreaming.

Contraindications: Alcohol based tincture. Mugwort is not suitable for pregnant or lactating women. Don’t give to young children or pets.//Some of its active components, such as thujone, can be toxic in excessive doses, causing liver damage, nausea, and convulsions. Mugwort belongs to the daisy family, which can cause some people to develop a skin rash upon contact. One of the most common triggers for hayfever is mugwort pollen, so allergic reactions to drinking the herbal tea or consuming a tincture are not uncommon. If you are an allergy sufferer, do not use this plant. Artemisia plants contain liver toxins that may build up if used in excess. If you use them regularly, take periodic breaks of at least a week.
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Price 25€



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