Bookings News

Celtic 3 Realm Advanced Crystal Healing

Advanced Crystal Healing Practitioner

I am very pleased to introduce this technique, channelled by me, and in both Case Studies and Muscle Testing, found to be 75-80% more effective than Reiki. Celtic 3 Realm Advanced Crystal Healing is easy to learn, incorporating the ancient healing essence of trees, the Ogham, along with sacred geometry, sound frequencies, crystals and essential oils. If you are drawn to working with crystals you will love this.//This is a one day workshop teaching you how to use the Celtic 3 Realm technique for One-2-One client treatments as well as in distant healing.

How does it work

Celtic 3 Realm Advanced Crystal Healing brings down the energy of the Higher Realms as it simultaneously draws up the frequency of the Earth. and anchors them in both the Practitioner and in the client, opening up the channells to powerful healing energies in a profound and protected way//Celtic 3 Realm Advanced Crystal Healing ignites DNA codes within us, leading to an expansion of our consciousness, a higher awareness at our soul level and a raising of our overall vibrational frequency. This healing modality works on all timelines and dimensions, past, present and future//Celtic 3 Realm Advanced Crystal Healing will work with you at whatever level you are at. With practise, you will be able to anchor larger amounts of healing energy and develop your intuitive abilities to channel whatever is needed for each client

What Will I Need

To attend the workshop you will only need a pen and journal. More details on booking//To give On-2-One treatments when qualified, you will need 4 Clear Quartz faceted crystals. Ideally the crystals should each be about 1.5-2 inches/3.5-4cms tall and have a flat base with tip pointing skywards//A set of either Ogham cards or Ogham fews. E Cards provided in manual for you to print//A mat, pillow and blanket for the client and a chair for you to sit on//Essential oils//Sound instrument of choice (optional). Shown to be most effective with hand held or hung Gong

Celtic 3 Realm Advanced Crystal Healing Master Level

//This is a follow on workshop for the student who is ready to progress. You will learn how to use this technique for groups and be able to teach all of the techniques to new students once proficiency has been achieved.

Course level


First Degree Usui, Celtic or Tera Mei Reiki
Printed certificate with official School seal. Insurable worldwide. Free postage Republic of Ireland. Postal charges apply elsewhere


Video Tutorials

Sound Bath to aid integration of the higher energies

E Manual

E Workbook

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This course has been accredited by the Complementary Medical Association UK (CMA). The Celtic School of Sound Healing has been recognised as a Centre of Excellence by The CMA. This means that I hold full Training School Membership of the Complementary Medical Association. This very prestigious recognition that demonstrates my commitment to the highest standards and my continued dedication in supporting you as student in your learning.

Your Tutor

Carmel Diviney

Carmel Diviney is a Master Sound Therapist and Tutor, Reiki Grand Master, Indigenous Herbalist, Advanced Celtic Shamanic Practitioner & Shamanic Counsellor, Bandraoí and Banfhile, Author and Recording Artist.

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