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Pyramid of Isis Reiki


The Goddess Isis has been worshipped since ancient times as the Great Mother Goddess, also as the patroness of nature and magic and the protector of souls and of children. Goddess Isis is a loving, wise and powerful ally to help you at all times.//The Pyramid of Isis Reiki Practitioner and The Pyramid of Isis Reiki Master are one-day intensive workshops attuning students to the powerful healing system of Isis Reiki. You must be already attuned to Reiki 1 and 2 to undertake this attunement as the frequency is of very high vibration.// //These one day intensive workshops include a Sonic Light Code DNA Activation whereby aspects of the soul can be reactivated or reclaimed, in this instance unlocking and downloading the Isis Codes of remembrance through the use of sacred sound, specifically high vibrational crystalline frequencies. This will also connect you to your ancient star origins.//In addition, it includes Frame Drumming, Sistrum and Egyptian Chanting. The rhythmic beat of the drum used in the worldwide ancient practice of shamanic journeying creates altered states of consciousness or trance states, whereby the practitioner can access wisdom, guidance and healing.////

Pyramid of Isis Reiki Practitioner

The attunement to Pyramid of Isis will activate sacred geometric etheric energy within your aura. You can learn how to use this energy to connect you to the Golden Pyramid enabling you to increase your psychic gifts in healing, protection and inner wisdom. Pyramid of Isis Reiki also uses crystals, orgonites, pyramids and copper in healing treatments. // //// //In this workshop we will work with Blue Lotus. This is the sacred plant of Ancient Egypt. It was used in Ritual and Ceremony. It can produce a sense of tranquility and euphoric effect. We will work with Blue Lotus as Tea, Essential Oil (included) and as a Tincture (not included but available to buy at the workshop with prior 6 week order.

Pyramid of Isis Reiki Master

The Pyramid of Isis Reiki is possibly the strongest and most powerful healing to date.After your attunement, you will have the power to invoke the pyramid grid energy, not just for healing but for creating a safe environment within your home and work. This can be extended out to anywhere. You will be able to attune others to this system or simply receive the attunement for your own spiritual evolution. // ////In this workshop we will work with Blue Lotus. This is the sacred plant of Ancient Egypt. It was used in Ritual and Ceremony. It can produce a sense of tranquility and euphoric effect. We will work with Blue Lotus as Tea, Essential Oil (included) and as a Tincture (not included but available to buy at the workshop with prior 6 week order.

Pyramid of Isis Reiki Practitioner

Also Included: //Shamanic Journeys//Attunements//Sonic Isis Light Code DNA Activation//Ancient Egyptian Chants to awaken Isis energy//Sound Bath to integrate the higher energies

Pyramid of Isis Reiki Master

The energies which collectively create the Pyramid of Isis Master Reiki are://Isis Moon – working with Isis and the magnetic energy field of the moon, harmonising male and female energy//Sekham Seichem – similar symbols to Usui Reiki awakening ancient Egyptian healing energy//Golden Ankh – helping healers meditate to a higher level using the Ankh energy to open spiritual portals//Ra Sheeba (Golden Snake) – works directly on the chakras to lift out impurities using vortex movement. Aids kundalini activation in the spine//Sacred Geometry and Golden Triangle Reiki – Golden Ray energy to shield against and dissolve negative energy//

Course level


//For Pyramid of Isis Reiki Practitioner you must have completed Reiki Master attunements in either Usui/Tera Mei to attend these trainings as the energies are of very high vibration and are too intense for beginners.
Printed certificate with official School seal on completion. Insurable worldwide. Free postage within Republic of Ireland. Postal charges apply elsewhere


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This course has been accredited by the Complementary Medical Association UK (CMA). The Celtic School of Sound Healing has been recognised as a Centre of Excellence by The CMA. This means that I hold full Training School Membership of the Complementary Medical Association. This very prestigious recognition that demonstrates my commitment to the highest standards and my continued dedication in supporting you as student in your learning.

Your Tutor

Carmel Diviney

Carmel Diviney is a Master Sound Therapist and Tutor, Reiki Grand Master, Indigenous Herbalist, Advanced Celtic Shamanic Practitioner & Shamanic Counsellor, Bandraoí and Banfhile, Author and Recording Artist.

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