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Rahanni Celestial Healing Workshop


Rahanni is a very high vibrational, gentle healing modality which works on a deeper level than most other healing modalities at this time.//Rahanni means “of one heart“.//Rahanni works with Sacred Geometry, Angels and Archangels, Ascended Masters Melchisedeck and Quan Yin and Star Beings among other beings of pure Light. It connects us to the Pink Ray, opening and expanding the heart chakra to promote peace, love, trust and compassion.//This high vibration is passed to the client in treatment sessions, surrounding them in deep peace and calm while transmuting any negative energy into pure love.//Rahanni elevates consciousness.

Enchanced Workshops

These one day intensive workshops include a Star Grid Activation raising your overall vibration and strengthening your protection. This will also connect you to your ancient star origins and especially to the Goddess of Compassion and Mercy, Quan Yin.// Also included is a sonic immersion in sacred crystalline frequencies, designed to aid integration of the higher energies.

Rahanni Practitioner Certification

//The attunement to Rahanni and the raising of your spiritual vibration//Connection to Pleiades, Andromeda, Sirius and Lemurian energies//Information on the 7 Archangels that work with Rahanni and their attributes//Connection to Ascended Masters, Archangels and Higher Beings of Light//Rahanni healing techniques for self-healing, healing others, children, animals, the Green World//Rahanni Distant healing technique for the healing of humanity and this planet

Rahanni Teacher Certification

//On completion of this level you will be able to teach this modality and to attune others.//Revision of Rahanni, history and lineage//Revision of the Rahanni Principles//Attunement to Rahanni Teacher symbols//Summary of attunements 1 and 2//Practice of attunements

Course level


Rahanni Celestial Healing Practitioner Level is suitable for beginners. It is recommended that you have experienced a Rahanni healing to appreciate the energies.
Printed certificate on completion. Insurable worldwide. Free Postage within Republic of Ireland. Postal charges apply elsewhere


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This course has been accredited by the Complementary Medical Association UK (CMA). The Celtic School of Sound Healing has been recognised as a Centre of Excellence by The CMA. This means that I hold full Training School Membership of the Complementary Medical Association. This very prestigious recognition that demonstrates my commitment to the highest standards and my continued dedication in supporting you as student in your learning.

Your Tutor

Carmel Diviney

Carmel Diviney is a Master Sound Therapist and Tutor, Reiki Grand Master, Indigenous Herbalist, Advanced Celtic Shamanic Practitioner & Shamanic Counsellor, Bandraoí and Banfhile, Author and Recording Artist.

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