Bookings News

Carmel Diviney is a Reiki Grand Master

and is offering the following workshops

Reiki Workshops

All of the following workshops are offered either In Person or Live Online via Zoom.
Each workshop is enhanced with shamanic techniques and specific sacred sound frequencies and activations to help the student integrate the higher energies. This helps you to navigate the vibrational shift that occurs with each activation and attunement.

Brighids Fire Reiki


Brighids Fire Reiki

Brighids Fire Reiki

My journey with Reiki has served me well over decades and although I have written many courses and even a book on Sound Healing and Sound Therapy, this is the first Reiki course that I have ever written! Brighid has been a guiding force in my life since I first began channeling her in Druidic ritual in 2003. She called this course into being subtlety at first, and then with a huge push as if to say “What are you waiting for!” Having already written a monumental body of work for the Temple of Brighid Priestess Training, this just flowed and was almost effortless. I hope that it will reach more people to attune to her energies in a deep and powerful healing way. I will introduce Brighid’s Fire Reiki in a live class in Feb 2025 at Tara Open Studio, Hill of Tara Co. Meath 22md Feb 2025 Whether you honour Brighid as Goddess, Saint or both, I hope that you will find this sacred practice very beneficial to you on your spiritual journey. May Brighid guide you to embody your ancient feminine wisdom as you more fully attune to the divine healing, creative forces within you. Le grá Carmel Diviney Reiki Grand Master and Ard Bandraoí Teacher at Temple of Brighid////////////////

Prerequisite: Usui or Tera Mai Reiki Level One

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Potrebné certifikáty

Accredited Certification, insurable worldwide. Printed certificate of Initiation with official School seal. Free postage Ireland, postage costs apply elsewhere.

Vodičské oprávnenie

Available both in Person and Live Zoom. Unavailable on my Teachable site.


Brighid's Fire Reiki Practitioner
Brighid's Fire Reiki Master
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Usui Reiki


Usui Reiki


Reiki, pronounced (Ray Key), is a Japanese word meaning Universal Life Energy that promotes balance, wholeness, healing and consciousness. It is a releaser, activator, energizer and transformer of energy.//Reiki involves the transfer of powerful life force energy through the Practitioner to the client using a holistic hands on technique, thereby enhancing their ability to heal themselves.//When a person undergoes a session they take into themselves energy at its maximum vibration to beneficial effects. It is particularly effective for stress related disorders such as anxiety and depression.

First Degree Usui Ryoha Reiki Initiation

This one-day workshop is suitable for beginners.The main benefit of First Degree Reiki is to learn how to heal ourselves by creating balance between our physical, mental, emotional and spiritual selves.//In First Degree you will learn also how to treat plants and animals. Reiki is in pure alignment with nature and the living planet around us.

Second Degree Reiki

Having completed Reiki 1 you are most probably excited and enthusiastic about advancing your studies to Level 2. This two-day certified workshop is the key to the whole Reiki system.//At this level you will be attuned to three sacred symbols that unlock the power of the Reiki healing energy. //The attunement to Reiki 2 opens the Heart Chakra and works on the Emotional and Mental Body.

Reiki Master Degree

Two-day workshop. Having completed First and Second Degrees, you will be ready to decide if you wish to proceed to Master Degree. This level will enable you to attune others to all levels of Reiki and to teach this healing modality. If you do not have the calling to teach, you can take this level for your own personal spiritual development.// Reiki Master Degree works on the Spiritual Body.

Reiki Business Set Up

This setting up your own business module is a one day Live Online Workshop for those who wish to formally bring their healing abilities to others. Becoming a Reiki Practitioner is a huge responsibility. If you wish to make a career and create income from Reiki, this is a must. You will receive all the necessary guidance and information to map out your next steps in becoming your own boss. You must have completed Levels 1, 2 and Master Degree with Celtic School of Sound Healing, or, if you trained elsewhere, you are required to have a resit of all 3 levels with Celtic School of Sound Healing.

Požadované jazyky

E Manual
E Workbook containing 21 Day Diary
Video Tutorials
Sound Bath to aid integration of the higher energies

Požadované znalosti


Potrebné certifikáty

Printed certificate on successful completion of Workbook and 9 Case Studies. 3 months to complete. Free postage within Republic of Ireland. Postal charges apply elsewhere


First Degree Usui Ryoha Reiki Initiation
Second Degree Reiki
Reiki Master Degree
Reiki Grand Master Degree
Reiki Business Set Up
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Celtic Reiki


Celtic Reiki

Level 1

Welcome to Celtic Reiki Level 1.// Do you have an affinity with trees and the natural world? Would you like to deepen your connection with them, understand their energies and learn how to use their healing energy for the good of others and self? Celtic Reiki combines traditional Reiki Healing protocols and attunements with Ogham, the ancient language of the trees. In this workshop the student will be introduced to the Irish wisdom tradition of Ogham, initiating a journey of discovery through their own connection with the trees. //Celtic Reiki Practitioner certification is delivered in four separate one day workshops. Level 1 works on the physical body. It begins the process of connecting with the healing energy. //As a result of the attunement process, the student's healing energy chanels are opened, stagnant energy and blockages are removed. The student is thus able to receive and transmit healing energy at a higher rate and vibration and will experience a greater sense of well being in their lives. //Students will also learn how to energetically connect with trees and how to perform a powerful Ogham Tree Ritual of Protection.

Level 2

The student receives the attunement to two further sets of symbols for healing and spiritual growth. Level 2 works on the emotional and mental aspects and introduces the 2nd set of attunements.//Discover how you can use this energy not just for health and happiness but to enhance your life through manifestation techniques.//This workshop includes instruction on healing with Crystals and Crystal Grids and how they can be combined with Celtic Reiki to help you to achieve your goals.//In addition you will learn how to create Ogham Fews, mostly used for divination, and will help you to connect more deeply with each of the Ogham Trees.

Level 3

Level 3 works on the spiritual dimension, activating higher frequencies of energy to enable the student to use the energy at its highest vibration. The student is attuned to further sets of symbols that will amplify the healing energy thus far assimilated. This amplification must be introduced at each level in stages, so that the student has time to integrate the higher energy and acclimatise to the changes this vibration brings such as increased intuition, psychic and channelling skills.// You will learn how to make Ogham Tree Essences and Remedies to help support your client between treatments.//The student will also be guided on how to hold Reiki Share group events.//On successful completion of Level 3, the student will receive their printed Celtic Reiki Practitioner certification with official School seal.

Celtic Reiki Master

Being a Celtic Reiki Master is a position of considerable responsibility, not just to your students you teach and to yourself but also to nature and the guides and nature spirits that work with us so meaningfully.//As a Celtic Reiki Master you will be able to teach this way of healing to others and attune new students, individuals or small groups.//If you do not feel the call to teach others, this training can be taken for your own spiritual development whereby you continue to devote yourself to your own spiritual advancement and ascension with the aid of this ancient wisdom.//You must have a solid knowledge of the Ogham and their meanings, energies, uses etc. in order to teach it. This can take several months to years of dedicated practise, but is the most rewarding part of this healing modality. You must be a Master in Ususi or Tera Mei Reiki as prerequisite in order to teach and attune others.

Celtic Reiki Business Module

This Workshop is a one day Live Online Workshop via Zoom for those who wish to formally bring their healing services to others. If you wish to make a career and create income from Celtic Reiki, this is a must. You will receive all the necessary guidance and information to help you to map out your next steps in becoming your own boss.//You must have completed Celtic Reiki Levels 1, 2, 3 and Master Degree with Celtic School of Sound Healing

Požadované jazyky

E Manuals 1 and 2
E Workbook containing 21 Day Detox Diary
Video Tutorials
Recording of the Live Online Workshop for permanent access to the teachings

Požadované znalosti


Potrebné certifikáty

A printed certificate with official School seal will be posted on successful completion of Level 3, Celtic Reiki Practitioner workshop.


Level 1
Level 2
Level 3
Celtic Reiki Master
Celtic Reiki Business Module
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Kundalini Reiki


Kundalini Reiki


Kundalini is a Sanskrit word meaning coiled snake. Kundalini is a life force energy that lies dormant at the base of the spine in the un- awakened. In the awakened, the rising of the Kundalini energy opens up the other chakras- ultimately to spiritual enlightenment. The goal of Kundalini Reiki is the awakening of our Kundalini energy.//Kundalini Reiki is a simple yet powerful transformational healing modality and a very safe way to awaken the Kundalini energy. This system helps to awaken a very powerful energy which requires no symbols. It is a synergy of Universal and Earth energies connecting to higher consciousness and healing.//This can be a spontaneous process for some, for others it can take some time and for yet others, depending on your spiritual evolution, maybe even a life time(s) of meditation and dedicated practise. Kundalini Reiki hastens this process in order to elevate the student to enlightened consciousness.//Kundalini Reiki healings are very short, usually 3-5 minutes and can be combined with any other healing modality or treatment e.g. any other form of Reiki, Sound Therapy, Reflexology etc. Its main function in energy treatments is to heal abnormal channels and to assist “incorrect” Kundalini activation.

Enhanced Workshop

These one day intensive workshops include a Sonic Light Code DNA Activation whereby aspects of the soul can be reactivated or reclaimed, in this instance elevating you to a higher vibration and consciousness.//In addition, it includes the Shamanic Drum Journey. The rhythmic beat of the drum used in the worldwide ancient practice of shamanic journeying creates altered states of consciousness or trance states, whereby the practitioner can access wisdom, guidance and healing.

Kundalini Reiki Practitioner Certification

Practitioner Certification is a one day workshop with half day follow-up. Level 1 and Level 2 will be covered during this one day workshop.//Level 3 is a half day follow-up at a later date – usually within ten days of the first attunement.//All 3 levels are included in the price.

Kundalini Reiki Master Teacher

This one day intensive Workshop is similar in content to the above but with the addition of the extra Master/Teacher attunements.

Usui/Tera Mei 1 and 2
Reiki Master Degree is required in order to teach and attune others to the system

Požadované jazyky

E Manual to the system for all 3 levels

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Potrebné certifikáty

Printed certificate with seal awarded on completion of all 3 levels. Insurable worldwide. Free postage within Republic of Ireland. Postal charges apply elsewhere.


Kundalini Reiki Practitioner Certification Level 1 & 2
Kundalini Reiki Practitioner Certification Level 3
Kundalini Reiki Master Teacher
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Mystic Rose Attunement

Suitable for Beginners

Mystic Rose Attunement

The Mystic Rose

Suitable for beginners and can be taken as a standalone workshop.// The Rose as a mystical symbol dates back at least to the time of ancient Egypt. It can be used as an effective tool in performing many functions. In the higher planes we may access the Knowledge of the Rose through the Pyramid of the Rose.This one day intensive workshop also includes a Sonic Rose Code DNA Activation, whereby aspects of the soul can be activated or reclaimed, in this instance unlocking and downloading the Rose Codes of remembrance through the use of sacred sound, specifically high vibrational crystalline frequencies. Learn how to invoke the Mystical Rose for://Grounding//Protection//Energy cleansing//Space clearing//Completing karma//Truth//Manifestation//Invocation//Initiation

Suitable for beginners and up

Požadované jazyky

E Manual Recording of the Live Online Workshop for permanent access to the teachings

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Suitable for Beginners

Potrebné certifikáty

Printed gold foil border certificate with official School seal on completion. Insurable worldwide. Free postage ROI. Postal charges apply elsewhere.


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Mary Magdalene Reiki


Mary Magdalene Reiki


Mary Magdalene art by Courtney Davis.// //This is a one day intensive weekend workshop with the Magdalene and includes Ritual and Ceremony.// //This workshop is not suitable for beginners. You need to be already attuned to Usui/Tera Mei Reiki Levels 1 and 2 in order to attend as the Mary Magdalene Energies are of very high celestial frequency.// //Mary Magdalene was a woman trained in the sacred mysteries of the Temples of Egypt and a true embodiment of the Divine Feminine. Incarnated on Earth. She was a woman of great significance, wisdom, compassion and spirituality. She shared the journey of Ascended Master Yeshua and at that time she anchored the Divine Feminine Christ Light on earth.//

Mary Magdalene Energy

//The Attunement to Mary Magdalene Reiki is different from other attunements, in that it brings a balance of the Divine Feminine and Sacred Masculine within each person attuned. This healing system brings forth the energy of unconditional love and compassion embodied by Mary Magdalene. A Magdalene Reiki Practitioner can emanate Magdalene healing energy, through alignment with it’s frequency, becoming a conduit for the benefit of the client through established healing protocols.

Mary Magdalene Reiki Practitioner

This training is enhanced and amplified through a Mary Magdalene Sonic Light Code DNA Activation, awakening the remembrance of your gifts and soul purpose. It activates your sacred Rose heart and the Grail Chalice of the womb (Hara/Cauldron of Warming in men), elevating your Divine Feminine essence and bringing healing to the Sacred Masculine.// In addition, it includes: // Shamanic Journey// Frame Drumming// Aramaic Chanting// Rose Healing Ceremony// Sacred Dance// Visit to Sacred Well at Hill of Tara// Make a Mary Magdalene Rose Essence to take home// Activate a blend of Essential Oils to take home// Mary Magdalene Reiki Practitioner attunement to sacred symbol// Sacred Sound Bath in the frequencies of harmonic Golden Singing Grail Chalices,

Mary Magdalene Reiki Master / Teacher

In the Master training you will receive the necessary knowledge and attunements to teach and attune others. Should you not be ready or called to teach, these attunements can be taken for your own personal spiritual development. You must be a Usui/Tera Mei/Seichim Reiki Master to attend this training.

Požadované jazyky

E Manual
Recording of the Live Online Workshop for permanent access to the teachings

Požadované znalosti


Potrebné certifikáty

Printed certificate on completion. Insurable worldwide. Free Postage within Republic of Ireland. Postal charges apply elsewhere


Mary Magdalene Reiki - Enhanced Workshop
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Holy Fire Reiki Master


Holy Fire Reiki Master

Holy Fire Reiki

Holy Fire Reiki is an evolution of the more traditional Reiki systems in use today. This does not negate other forms of Reiki in any way, Holy Fire simply enhances them by igniting specific symbols and their energies within the practitioner, who then transmits the energy with compassionate, unconditional love to clients, animals, family etc. It is also used to connect with the Higher Self and the energies of Holy Fire for your own healing. //Each ignition has specific purposes including helping to heal karma, trauma, addictions and assists with grounding. Holy Fire will aid in releasing old thought patterns and behaviours, bringing instead an increased sense of calm, positivity and vital life force energy. //This training is available both In Person or Live Online.

Reiki Masters Only

Požadované jazyky

Manuals for all three levels 1, 2, and Master plus Zoom recording of the class if attending online

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Potrebné certifikáty

Printed certificate on completion. Insurable worldwide. Free Postage within Republic of Ireland. Postal charges apply elsewhere.


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Pyramid of Isis Reiki


Pyramid of Isis Reiki


The Goddess Isis has been worshipped since ancient times as the Great Mother Goddess, also as the patroness of nature and magic and the protector of souls and of children. Goddess Isis is a loving, wise and powerful ally to help you at all times.//The Pyramid of Isis Reiki Practitioner and The Pyramid of Isis Reiki Master are one-day intensive workshops attuning students to the powerful healing system of Isis Reiki. You must be already attuned to Reiki 1 and 2 to undertake this attunement as the frequency is of very high vibration.// //These one day intensive workshops include a Sonic Light Code DNA Activation whereby aspects of the soul can be reactivated or reclaimed, in this instance unlocking and downloading the Isis Codes of remembrance through the use of sacred sound, specifically high vibrational crystalline frequencies. This will also connect you to your ancient star origins.//In addition, it includes Frame Drumming, Sistrum and Egyptian Chanting. The rhythmic beat of the drum used in the worldwide ancient practice of shamanic journeying creates altered states of consciousness or trance states, whereby the practitioner can access wisdom, guidance and healing.////

Pyramid of Isis Reiki Practitioner

The attunement to Pyramid of Isis will activate sacred geometric etheric energy within your aura. You can learn how to use this energy to connect you to the Golden Pyramid enabling you to increase your psychic gifts in healing, protection and inner wisdom. Pyramid of Isis Reiki also uses crystals, orgonites, pyramids and copper in healing treatments. // //// //In this workshop we will work with Blue Lotus. This is the sacred plant of Ancient Egypt. It was used in Ritual and Ceremony. It can produce a sense of tranquility and euphoric effect. We will work with Blue Lotus as Tea, Essential Oil (included) and as a Tincture (not included but available to buy at the workshop with prior 6 week order.

Pyramid of Isis Reiki Master

The Pyramid of Isis Reiki is possibly the strongest and most powerful healing to date.After your attunement, you will have the power to invoke the pyramid grid energy, not just for healing but for creating a safe environment within your home and work. This can be extended out to anywhere. You will be able to attune others to this system or simply receive the attunement for your own spiritual evolution. // ////In this workshop we will work with Blue Lotus. This is the sacred plant of Ancient Egypt. It was used in Ritual and Ceremony. It can produce a sense of tranquility and euphoric effect. We will work with Blue Lotus as Tea, Essential Oil (included) and as a Tincture (not included but available to buy at the workshop with prior 6 week order.

//For Pyramid of Isis Reiki Practitioner you must have completed Reiki Master attunements in either Usui/Tera Mei to attend these trainings as the energies are of very high vibration and are too intense for beginners.

Požadované jazyky

E Manual

Požadované znalosti


Potrebné certifikáty

Printed certificate with official School seal on completion. Insurable worldwide. Free postage within Republic of Ireland. Postal charges apply elsewhere


Pyramid of Isis Reiki Practitioner
Pyramid of Isis Reiki Master
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Dragon Reiki


Dragon Reiki


This is one of the most recent Reiki modalities to be introduced to us here on planet Earth. Dragon Reiki was developed in China by practitioners of Japanese-based Reiki, who combined the energy of the dragon with the deep healing of Nature.//The word dragon originates from the Greek word Drakon meaning all seeing one or the Serpent. Dragons symbolise great divine will and self empowerment.//Dragon energy acts as a protector and source of strength. Dragons clear negative energies and bring powerful spiritual healing.//In our Celtic lands, the dragons of myth and legend remain the guardians and gatekeepers to the wisdom and treasure of the Otherworld. Celtic Dragons have always been revered and honoured as protectors of the earth and all its inhabitants.//Over time, as the vibration of the Earth fell, the energies of the Dragons moved away from us. They became symbols for the elements and gave their names to the powerful energy lines that flow across the land. To most people the Dragon Lines later became known as Ley Lines.//The areas of our world where the dragons frequently pass or rest are deemed to be places of potent energy which can be used for healing. The Dragon Lines converge at powerful, sacred places which the Druids believed greatly influence our physical world.//Our personal dragons are coming back to help us to rekindle our inner fire, to breathe with the earth, flow with the water and soar with the air.//Dragons are Guardians of the Earth, they harness the energy of creation and balance. In Dragon Reiki we invite them to connect with us, we step towards them and they come towards us, awakening the Dragon Codes of Remembrance, awakening the Magic of Dragon.

Dragon Reiki Practitioner

The new practitioner will be attuned to four symbols which unlock the healing energy of Dragon. These symbols are powerful when used for protection, cleansing, healing and manifesting abundance. They can also be drawn onto objects to infuse them with Dragon energies.//Once attuned, you will begin to come into alignment with your own personal Dragon who aids you in your ascension and in the ascension of the planet in the coming times of great change.

You must have completed Reiki Master attunements in either Usui/Tera Mei/Seichim to attend these trainings as the energies are of very high vibration and are too intense for beginners.

Požadované jazyky

E Workbook

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Potrebné certifikáty

Printed certificate with official School seal. Insurable worldwide. Free postage Republic of Ireland. Postal charges apply elsewhere


Enhanced Workshops
Shamanic Journeys
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