Bookings News

Carmel Diviney is a Reiki Grand Master

and is offering the following workshops

Other Workshops

All of the following workshops are offered either In Person or Live Online via Zoom.
Each workshop is enhanced with shamanic techniques and specific sacred sound frequencies and activations to help the student integrate the higher energies. This helps you to navigate the vibrational shift that occurs with each activation and attunement.

Light Language & Light Codes


Light Language & Light Codes

What Is Light Language?

Messages of Light can come in many forms e.g. symbols, frequencies, colour, tones, gestures, sacred geometry, sacred dance, Light Language and Light Codes. At this time the main purpose of Light Language is healing. //This workshop is designed for beginners who may have heard of this but wish to know more. In this workshop we will begin the process of unlocking our own ability to connect with and channel, Light Language and Light Codes. This process is called an attunement. // We will explore how Light Language can be used for healing, alignment, inspiration, energetic updates, activations, downloads etc.

No experience necessary.

Požadované jazyky

e Manual and Recording of the Workshop for permanent access to the teachings.

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Potrebné certifikáty

e Certificate of Attendance


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Mystic Rose Attunement


Mystic Rose Attunement

The Mystic Rose

Suitable for beginners and can be taken as a standalone workshop. The Rose as a mystical symbol dates back at least to the time of ancient Egypt. It can be used as an effective tool in performing many functions. In the higher planes we may access the Knowledge of the Rose through the Pyramid of the Rose.This one day intensive workshop also includes a Sonic Rose Code DNA Activation, whereby aspects of the soul can be activated or reclaimed, in this instance unlocking and downloading the Rose Codes of remembrance through the use of sacred sound, specifically high vibrational crystalline frequencies. Learn how to invoke the Mystical Rose for: Grounding Protection Energy cleansing Space clearing Completing karma Truth Manifestation Invocation Initiation

Suitable for Beginners. No experience required.

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Rahanni Celestial Healing Workshop


Rahanni Celestial Healing Workshop


Rahanni is a very high vibrational, gentle healing modality which works on a deeper level than most other healing modalities at this time.//Rahanni means “of one heart“.//Rahanni works with Sacred Geometry, Angels and Archangels, Ascended Masters Melchisedeck and Quan Yin and Star Beings among other beings of pure Light. It connects us to the Pink Ray, opening and expanding the heart chakra to promote peace, love, trust and compassion.//This high vibration is passed to the client in treatment sessions, surrounding them in deep peace and calm while transmuting any negative energy into pure love.//Rahanni elevates consciousness.

Rahanni Celestial Healing Practitioner Level is suitable for beginners. It is recommended that you have experienced a Rahanni healing to appreciate the energies.

Požadované jazyky

E Manual

Požadované znalosti


Potrebné certifikáty

Printed certificate on completion. Insurable worldwide. Free Postage within Republic of Ireland. Postal charges apply elsewhere


Enchanced Workshops
Rahanni Practitioner Certification
Rahanni Teacher Certification
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Herbal Organics


Herbal Organics


In this highly enjoyable one day, in person workshop you will learn how to create natural remedies and pure cosmetics, how to de-chemicalise your home, relax your body and de-stress your mind.//You will also enjoy meditation and shamanic journeys as well as experiencing an educational outdoor connection to the Green World through plant identification and foraging. (May-Sept class only).//We will visit a local Holy Well to collect its pure water which is said to have a cure for ailments of the eyes and learn of the traditions associated with such places.//During our visit to the Well we will perform a Water Ritual, a blessing and Activation of the waters as they arise from the deep Earth to begin their journey to the rivers and the sea.

Požadované jazyky

Light vegetarian lunch of homemade organic tomato, bean and basil soup
Sound Bath to aid relaxation
E Manual

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Potrebné certifikáty

E Certificate of Attendance


You will enjoy
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Celtic Crystal Ogham Healing


Celtic Crystal Ogham Healing

Advanced Crystal Healing Practitioner

I am very pleased to introduce this technique channelled by me, and, in both Case Studies and Muscle Testing, found to be 75-80% more effective than most forms of Reiki.// If you are drawn to trees and working with crystals you will love this beautiful healing modality and will be astonished at the real results you will see as you use it.// Celtic Crystal Ogham Healing is easy to learn, incorporating the ancient healing essence and wisdom of trees, the Ogham, along with Crystals, Sacred Geometry, Sound Frequencies, and Essential Oils. // //This is a one day workshop teaching you how to use the Crystal Ogham technique for One-2-One client treatments as well as in distant healing.// //Celtic Crystal Ogham Healing (TM) is a powerful yet easy to learn holistic healing modality which incorporates the ancient healing essence, wisdom and power of Trees, along with Crystals, Sacred Geometry, Symbols, Sound Frequencies and Essential Oils. (Use of the word Celtic is for branding purposes only)// Crystal Ogham brings down the energy of the Higher Realms and draws up the energy of the Earth, anchoring both energies in the client while opening them to powerful healing, in a profound and protected way. It works across all timelines and dimensions, past, present and future.// This healing modality is suitable for those new to energy healing, as well as the more advanced Practitioner already familiar with how energy healing works. With practise, even beginners will be able to anchor large amounts of healing energy and develop their intuitive abilities to channel whatever is needed for each client. Not only will Crystal Ogham work to raise the vibration and unblock energy channels in the client, it will also serve to raise the vibration of the Practitioner, enhancing your healing and psychic abilities.// Crystal Ogham ignites DNA codes within us, leading to an expansion of our consciousness, higher awareness at our soul level and a raising of our overall vibrational frequency. Most importantly, Crystal Ogham provides gateways by which the Light Body or Merbaka can become fully activated.//

Celtic Crystal Ogham Healing Master Level

//This is a follow on workshop for the student who is ready to progress. You will receive a further set of attunements and learn how to use this technique for groups and be able to teach all of the techniques to new students once proficiency has been achieved.

Prerequisite: First Degree Usui, Celtic or Tera Mei Reiki recommended

Požadované jazyky

3 Video Tutorials
Sound Bath to aid integration of the attunement and higher energies.
E Manual

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Potrebné certifikáty

Printed certificate with official School seal. Insurable worldwide. Free postage Republic of Ireland. Postal charges apply elsewhere


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Avalon Reiki


Avalon Reiki


Avalon, also known as the Isle of Apples or Isle of Glass, is a mythical, magical place existing outside of normal time. It is a well- spring of healing, inspiration, inner peace and of wisdom for us in our modern day lives.//Avalon emanates the energies of Merlin, the Lady of the Lake, Excalibur, King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table and so much more magic and mystery than can be contained in a short description. //If you are drawn to this workshop, it is likely that you have had a soul experience in Avalon, you will feel it like a true home coming to your heart.//One way to reawaken this dormant soul memory is to be attuned to Avalon Reiki and the activation of your Avalon Codes.

Enhanced Workshop

These one day intensive workshops include a Crystalline Sonic Light Code DNA Activation whereby aspects of the soul can be reactivated or reclaimed, in this instance unlocking and downloading the Avalon Codes of remembrance through the use of sacred sound, specifically high vibrational crystalline frequencies.//This workshop also includes Shamanic Drum Journeys. The rhythmic beat of the drum used in the worldwide ancient practice of shamanic journeying creates altered states of consciousness or trance states, whereby the practitioner can access wisdom, guidance and healing.

You must have completed minimum Level 1 Usui or Tera Mei Reiki to attend this workshop.
If wishing to teach and pass the attunements on after completing this training, please be aware that only Reiki Masters can attune others.

Požadované jazyky

E Manual and Zoom recording of the workshop if attending Live Online

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Potrebné certifikáty

Printed certificate with official School seal on completion. Insurable worldwide. Free postage within Republic of Ireland. Postal charges apply elsewhere.


Avalon Reiki Practitioner/Master
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Isis Seichim


Isis Seichim


This Isis Seichim system originates from the Egyptian word Sekham which means Power of Powers. It is also known as SKHM and Seichim and is drawn from the infinite source of the Divine.//Isis Seichim is a beautiful way of accessing the energy of the Great Mother and a path to deeper self-realisation and empowerment. It balances and re-aligns aspects of ourselves on the physical, intellectual, emotional and spiritual levels. It thus expands the individual’s capacity to anchor more light and love within and to ground the essential life force of our bodies and energy systems.//Seichim is ancient and sacred and is said to be the parent energy of all hands-on healing systems. There are many references to Sekham found in numerous scrolls found in the pyramids and ruins of ancient Egyptian temples.

Isis Seichim Reiki Practitioner

This system originates from the Egyptian word Sekham which means Power of Powers. It is also known as SKHM and Seichim and is drawn from the infinite source of the Divine.//Isis Seichim is a beautiful way of accessing the energy of the Great Mother and a path to deeper self realisation and empowerment. It balances and re-aligns aspects of ourselves on the physical, intellectual, emotional and spiritual levels. It thus expands the individuals capacity to anchor more light and love and to ground the essential life force within our bodies and energy systems.//Seichim is ancient and sacred and is said to the parent energy of all hands on healing systems. There are many references to Sekham found in numerous scrolls found in the pyramids and ruins of ancient Egyptian temples.//These one day intensive workshop include Ancient Egyptian Sonic Light Code Activations whereby aspects of the soul can be reactivated or reclaimed, in this instance unlocking and downloading codes within your DNA most suitable to your stage of spiritual evolution at this time. This is done through the use of sacred sound, specifically high vibrational crystalline frequencies.//In addition, they include Shamanic Drum Journeys. The rhythmic beat of the drum used in the worldwide ancient practice of shamanic journeying creates altered states of consciousness or trance states, whereby the practitioner can access wisdom, guidance and healing.

Isis Seichim Master

In this workshop you will receive the necessary knowledge and training to initiate others and to teach Isis Seichim. If you do not wish to teach just yet, you may receive the attunement for your own personal spiritual development.//This one day intensive workshop also includes an Isis Seichim Sonic Light Code Activation whereby aspects of the soul can be activated or reclaimed, in this instance unlocking and downloading codes within your DNA most suitable to your stage of spiritual evolution at this time. This is done through the use of sacred sound, specifically high vibrational crystalline frequencies. In addition, it includes shamanic drum journeys. The rhythmic beat of the drum used in the worldwide ancient practice of shamanic journeying creates altered states of consciousness or trance states whereby the practitioner can access wisdom, guidance and healing.//You must have completed Reiki Master attunements in either Usui/Tera Mei to attend these trainings as the energies are of very high vibration and are too intense for beginners. .

//For Isis Seichim Reiki Practitioner you need Usui/Tera Mei levels 1 and 2. The sacred fire energy of this system is too potent for beginners to take into their energy systems. //For Isis Seichim Master you must have completed Reiki Master attunements in either Usui/Tera Mei to attend these trainings as the energies are of very high vibration and are too intense for beginners. .

Požadované jazyky

Shamanic Journeys
Attunement to Isis Seichim – Practitioner Degree
Sonic Light Code Activation
Sound Bath to aid integration of the Higher Energies.
E Manual

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Potrebné certifikáty

Printed certificate with official School seal. Insurable worldwide. Free postage Republic of Ireland. Postal charges apply elsewhere


Isis Seichim Reiki Practitioner
Isis Seichim Master
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Egyptian Cartouche Master Initiation


Egyptian Cartouche Master Initiation

Egyptian Cartouche Master Initiation

The Egyptian Cartouche is a one day intensive training incorporating a series of 25 attunements to Ancient Egyptian symbols at a very advanced level.// The symbols used in the initiation, capture the essence of the forces that govern the universe. Many believe the ancient Egyptians gained their knowledge of these forces from the more ancient Atlanteans who, in turn, were instructed by beings from the Sirius star system.// The Initiation into the Egyptian Cartouche brings about a state of heightened awareness and clarity. It serves to connect the higher energies of Heart, 3rd Eye, Soul Star and soul, and further opens the heart to love and compassion. It connects the student to higher thought patterns and enhances healing powers and psychic development which leads to greater accuracy for those who do readings of any sort, eg Tarot, channelling etc.

You must have completed Reiki Master attunements in either Usui/Tera Mei/Seichim to attend this trainings as the energies are of very high vibration and are too intense for beginners.

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Potrebné certifikáty

Printed gold foil certificate with School Seal. Insurable worldwide. Free postage Rep of Ireland, postal charges apply elsewhere.


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